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Mistress selected just for you!
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Pucker up! ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’ž

Mistress knows best. Get a lipstick selected just for you by your feminizers.

Your lipstick will be chosen based on your personality profile for your custom kit, or if no kit has been ordered, we'll select something scrumptious for you.


- Cute colors & sultry shades

- Feminizer tested products

- Fashionable selections

- Easy application

- Gorgeous glam ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’„โœจ


Swipe something sexy over your luscious lips with our Candy lipstick.

*Styles chosen by your feminizers may vary

Candy Kiss Lipstick

$10.99 Regular Price
$4.40Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax

    Club Candy Kisses accepts all major credit cards and pay later systems at checkout. Contact us if you have any issue!

    Remember- We Think You Are Delicious!

    OMG! You are going to look gorgeous! 
    all sizing & customization will be coordinated by the two of us after ordering

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