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Become a Virtual Candy Kiss!

All products in the Virtual Candy Kiss kit are delivered digitally.

Being feminized by Club Candy Kisses requires a feminization kit: but if you want virtual femme fun, you can become a Virtual Candy Kiss eGirl today and let your girly side out to play our way. 💗💋


The Virtual Candy Kiss kit includes:

- The Dream Girl Survey, so we can get to know your personality

- Virtual Candy Kiss Name Certificate, created for you by Mistress & Miss with your official club name

- 3 feminizing or gender affirming tasks to make you feel femme, fun, flirty & fabulous

- Your feminizers suggestion for your feminization with Club Candy Kisses based on your survey answers, budget, personality & our current sale.

- The opportunity to request virtual femme training from the feminizers of CCK

🦋🦄💗💋 Become a Virtual Candy Kiss eGirl today and let your most femme side play!


Prefer physical items but have a hard time receiving packages? Learn more about UPS & USPS pick ups & our discreet delivery in a plain package for physical items in our fabulous FAQ.




The Dream Girl Survey features:

- 100 questions all about YOU: let us learn all about your inner girly girl and what makes her twirl.

- Play “This OR That” with different femme subjects to learn about your princess preferences

- Makeover, lust, crush, femme, nice, girly, romance, fashion, fantasy & fabulous questions to simulate a slumber party for femmes just like you so your feminizers can completely customize your feminization fun.

- The Candy Kiss contract: sign at the bottom to be an official member of Club Candy Kisses and take a pledge to be flirty, fun and fabulous.

💗💗💗💗 Optional and totally cute!

This survey was created by and each survey will be reviewed by Mistress Elleria Candy & Miss Scarlette Kisses.

💋 Don’t want to answer certain questions? You don’t have to! Be as personally or as private as you want with your feminizers.

Virtual Candy Kiss Kit (Digital)

$150.00 Regular Price
$75.00Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax

    Club Candy Kisses accepts all major credit cards and pay later systems at checkout. Contact us if you have any issue!

    Remember- We Think You Are Delicious!

    OMG! You are going to look gorgeous! 
    all sizing & customization will be coordinated by the two of us after ordering

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